
Designing for the Cloud

Let’s do this! In 2017, Informatica aimed to move all its products to the cloud. Cloud First, Cloud Native was the vision. With that, I pitched the idea of creating a Design System that would marry design and code and enable our product teams to transition to the cloud easily. We could also leverage new AI and machine learning technologies. Together a small team worked on bringing together the visual language, UX patterns, UI design, and code components that empowered the R&D team to get products up and running in the cloud within the year. And our team walked away with an excellent corporate award for innovation!

Design Systems + Visual Languages

In 2018, our team released the first design system with multiple visual language themes for multiple product business units. Droplets Design System was built mainly in React upon core UX patterns with the ability to switch themes or create a customer theme to enable customers to brand the products as their own. We originally built the UX toolkits for the design system in Sketch, with comprehensive libraries, but with a large and diverse design team, we added Figma toolkits.

After overhauling the Informatica brand in 2017, I designed the Crystal theme visual design language to complement the new corporate identity. The Crystal visual language was simple and flexible to support new product designs and features. The Crystal theme is primarily used in the Master Data Management suite of products.

In 2015, as Informatica began exploring more modern platforms for the products, the UX team created a design language called Archipelago. It was a set of UX patterns and visual guidelines meant to create a common user experience for the various Informatica products, both for thick and thin clients. We adapted the patterns and visual guidelines into the first iteration of the Droplets Design System.

Designing for AI

Recently, I worked on several AI and machine learning features in data integration products. Many iterations of the UI were explored and tested to empower users. This included a custom visual language to highlight learning capabilities incorporated into Informatica's business-friendly products. AI and machine learning rely on big data. Working on data integration products for years, I have a unique understanding of what and how data is collected, stored, accessed, and transformed into meaningful and valuable information.

Product Design

Over 15 years, I worked as a UX designer in the R&D team to elevate and evolve the customer experience. We conceived, created, and brought to market several successful products. With products like Salesforce Data Wizard, Operational Insights, REV, Enterprise Data Catalog, and Secure at Source, we always led the market in data integration.

Blue Sky Concepts

In 2015, as Informatica began to explore the move to consumer-based software, I spent some time blue sky thinking. Over three months, I worked with a cross-functional team to identify our target users, understand their needs, and workshop innovative solutions that harnessed SaaS capabilities. These are the final prototypes that were presented to the executive team.

Earlier Work

Web design, digital marketing, UI design, online advertising, branding, marketing, print… phew. Anything was what I worked on early in my career at ad agencies and silicon valley start-ups. As the UX/UI design field constantly evolves and new technologies and methodologies are being developed, I am continually learning and moving forward. I have worked in this world of digital experiences since 1995. Everything is always new. What isn’t new is a fundamental understanding of basic design principles, which can be applied to any media. I am always excited to see what is next.

Paper + Print

I design to communicate visually. Whether with pixels or paper, good design speaks to its audience. For the last six years, I have volunteered my time and design skills to concept and create all marketing materials for a non-profit private school in Santa Cruz, California.